With a lot more people playing draft champions the past month, I thought I make a few one formation schemes out of different playbooks to help assist you in your draft champion cfm and ranked games.
Playbook: Carolina Panthers
Formation: Empty Panther
Play: Stick, Vertical, Inside Wheels, WR Screen, QB Draw and Jet Sweep
Analysis: The only requirement was that most of the plays in the scheme had to be audible and they all attacked different parts of the field.

Play: Stick
Analysis: A big reason why it works is because the 4 quick routes attack 4 of the 5 possible zone sections a defense can cover, forcing the defense to load up on underneath defenders to defend it properly, while simultaneously weakening their secondary or pass rush.
Hot Routes: RB (R1 on PS4) to a flat route
Reads (Left to Right) vs Man:
RB (R1 on PS4): He’s used to clear out space for our next read
A(X on PS4): If he doesn’t get bumped as soon as he breaks to the outside bullet pass to the right so his defender doesn’t have time to react
Y (Triangle on PS4): Throw it as soon as he comes open which would be as soon as he cuts inside, because the longer you wait the better angle the defender has to jump it.
X (Square on PS4): Same as the first slant throw it as soon as he comes open, and if X is covered you have b on the streak as the last resort.
Reads (Left to Right) vs Zone:
RB (R1 on PS4): Check to see if the flats are guarded, if they’re not bullet pass it and pick up as many yards as you can.
A(X on PS4): Once he settles down in the coverage bullet to the inside so any defenders to his right can’t jump it.
Y (Triangle on PS4): If he’s not open by the times he’s directly in front of the QB move on.
X (Square on PS4): Look to fit the ball in between the zones.

Play: Verticals
Analysis: Verts works well with stick, because while stick requires the defense to commit a certain amount of defenders underneath to defend it, verticals need a certain amount of defenders deep. So unless they want to start dropping pass rusher back (which opens up other stuff I’ll get to shortly) your opponent can’t cover both.
Hot Routes: Y (Triangle on PS4) on a slant route.
Reads (Left to Right) vs Man:
Y (Triangle on PS4): Same as his role in stick, throw it as soon as he comes open.
A (X on PS4): Once A cuts across the field you bullet pass to the left.
RB (R1 on PS4): He’s not an option vs man.
B (Circle on PS4): Should have 1 on 1 coverage down the right sidelines being as the only coverage to properly defend 4 verts is cover 4 and vs man.
Reads (Left to Right) vs Zone:
Y (Triangle on PS4): He’s there to keep any underneath defenders from dropping deep to defend the streak routes or else he’ll run free into their open area.
A (X on PS4): He and the next read RB (R1 on PS4) attack the safety(s) deep. Vs cover 2 the middle will be wide open for A and cover 3 it’s about who the safety chooses to cover. Cover 4 is the only base coverage that can take away the advantage 4 verticals attempts to get by passing off each receiver to a safety.
RB (R1 on PS4): As mentioned, he will come open if the deep safety in Cover 3 chooses the tight end streaking across the and also if the safety in Cover 2 or 4 overcommits to A.
B (Circle on PS4): Should have 1 on 1 coverage down the right sidelines being as the only coverage to properly defend 4 verts is cover 4 and vs man.

Play: Inside Wheels
Analysis: Whose selling point is while it can also beat cover 3, it’s a very effective Cover 4 beater. The idea is to have x run his dig route in front of the free safety against Cover 4, causing him to freeze to get in position to defend the pass if throw, while A’s streak keeps the strong safety or deep safety in Cover 3 from jumping b’s route, allowing B him to break free down the middle of the field
Hot Routes: Smart route B (Circle on PS4), Send A(X on PS4) on a streak and Y (Triangle on PS4) on a slant.
Reads (Left to Right) vs Man:
X (Square on PS4): As soon as he starts to cuts inside, bullet to the left preventing the cornerback from jumping it.
Y (Triangle on PS4): Like in stick, you want to throw it as soon as he comes open.
A (X on PS4): Once the defender turns his back, bullet pass and hold LT or (L2 on PS4) to attempt a back shoulder throw and hit A(X on PS4) after you throw to possession catch it.
B (Circle on PS4): He’s a non-factor despite how well you would think the route would work.
RB (R1 on PS4): He’s only an option vs man. You look to see if the receiver beat his guy instantly on the initial move up the field or if he can outrun his defender deep.
Reads (Left to Right) vs Zone:
X (Square on PS4): His only job is to occupy the free safety whenever the defense runs Cover 4.
Y (Triangle on PS4): He takes advantage of any underneath defenders dropping deep to defend A or RB’s route.
A (X on PS4): He only an option vs Cover 2, because the middle of the field is open. Otherwise, his job is to occupy the nearest deep safety to make room underneath for the next read.
B (Circle on PS4): He’s the main target on this play and exploits the open area the other receivers have created for him.

Play: WR Screen
Analysis: You can use it anytime they have 3 defenders or less on the right side, because when the right tackle pulls it becomes 4 on 3. Beware of any linemen undercutting it, if you see that just roll to the side he dropped from and throw it out of bounds to live to see another down.

Play: QB Draw and Jet Sweep
Analysis: Deciding which one to choose depends on how many deep safeties there are. Vs 2 deep coverage I like to run QB Draw to take advantage of the 2 safeties being back so far and run behind whoever the o line is double teaming. It’s also useful to take advantage of your opponent dropping their linemen back. And vs 1 deep I use jet sweep to get to the edges quickly.
Hopefully you enjoyed this Madden 16 Challenge Draft Champions Offensive Scheme. Stay tuned for the next scheme as we give you the tools to become a Madden 16 Challenge champ!
Madden 16 Challenge Offensive Scheme: Panthers Playbook